

meet kelsey



Here is where you'll find all the most recent updates about what's happening in the kelsey breton photography world! I share all my favorite and recent galleries as well as helpful information and resources for brides! So pour a cup of coffee and get cozy, as you read through all the goodness that will help your wedding day dreams become a reality! 

A Warm Welcome

To the kb blog

I'm so happy you're here!

Let's connect!

Hey y’all hey!! Welcome to my blog! So, I realized I have so many incredible new faces on my updated website, it was time to share a little bit about myself. That is; aside from the fact that I’m obsessed with photography. I decided to share a few random little quirks you might not know about me. So here goes…


February 12, 2022

Hey Y’all Hey!

Most Recent Post

every moment joyfully photographed to be celebrated for years to come!

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